January 2020 Director’s Message!
Dear Members,
Happy New Year! I love this time of year as it makes me realize just how bright a future the Center has! January is the month that we look forward with joy and anticipation as we dream about what’s to come. We’re excited about how the year ended with generous donations that launch us into a year where sustainability is hopeful. The donations from Molalla Communications, The National Christian Foundation, and Specialty Polymers allow us to focus on future fundraising efforts, program growth, and services that excel. These are the things that bring a bright 2020 to vision. We have recently applied for very large Community Development Block Grants through Clackamas County. These are for projects we hope to complete over this year and next and include a parking lot rehabilitation and HVAC upgrade at the Center. While there’s no guarantee that these projects will be funded through these particular competitive grants, we are hopeful that we can find a way to make them come to fruition. With both of these projects we are raising funds to meet our required match.
If you would like to be a part of the solution and make a donation to either of these projects we would forever be grateful. You can make a monetary donation to either designated fund or place “the greatest need” on your donation and they will reach your project of choice. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions. While we’re working on our dreams and goals here for the seniors we serve, we hope your new year meets all of your needs as well! Cheers to a fabulous and bright 2020!
Center Director