June Director’s Message
Dear Members,
I want to thank you for your response to our annual appeal! We are so grateful for all of the individuals and businesses that have given so generously. Our appeal has surpassed our previous years numbers and it is truly a gift to see this take place. As I write this, our numbers have reached just over $10,000—what a blessing! We thank you for your trust and your decision to donate to a Center who’s mission is to help others. We surely wouldn’t be here without the generosity from our sponsors and donors. We list our business sponsors in our newsletter but we know it also takes the many individuals to reach these great numbers. With all of our hearts we thank you for giving to a Center that we are so lovingly passionate about.
Along the same lines of generosity, we want to thank our amazing MAS board who is taking on the task of the annual rummage sale this year! There any many hours and lots of elbow grease that has to go into this fundraiser and we are appreciative of the willingness and eagerness to take on this large event! You’ll see Center staff selling food and assisting as much as they can, but the real work is in the sale, and we thank them for their hard work and dedication. We also thank all of the individual volunteers who have signed up to work the sale. If you are still interested in doing so, but haven’t signed up yet, please contact the Center.
Thanks and blessings,
Cecily Rose