February 2017 Director’s Message
Dear Members,
What a crazy weathered winter we’ve had! With the multitude of closures we faced with snow days in January, I have to say, I fall more and more in love with this Center and the importance of it’s mission and programs. My love bank is full and how perfectly fitting as we step into the month of February. I’m always amazed at the generosity that flows into the Center be it through each volunteer, the recipients caring for one another, or the staff as I watch them lovingly assist members. We have an abundance of love coming in the forms of generous donations for the auction. Every donation truly means so very much to us. Our Sweet Heart’s Celebration Auction and Dinner is our largest fundraiser of the year, and we always have a grand time as we raise funds for the Center. In addition to these wonderful donations we have recently received amazing news that the Ford Family Foundation has awarded us with the full request of $10,000 for our bathroom remodel project! New bathrooms for the Center means better accessibility for those we serve, and that is something to celebrate! In addition, we have received $3,500 from the National Christian Foundation through a private donor, and we are grateful beyond words! The timing is impeccable as we tackle expansion of programs and the completion of projects for sustainability of our great Center and its even greater mission! Please be sure to check out the calendar as we have added many services and programs this month to serve you!
Overflowing with love and thanks,
Cecily Rose