March Director’s Message
Dear Members,
Have you ever felt so blessed you can’t even put it into words? Well that explains my feelings and emotions about our amazing Annual Auction Fundraiser that was held February 13th, 2016. From the donors, to the volunteers, to the team of staff, to the participants and bidders, my heart overflows with thanks for your efforts and your generosity. We had a record-setting sell out of tickets having to turn nearly fifty people away from attending (to obey fire-code), which has spurred on conversations of the possibility of moving to a larger venue next year. Then on the night of the event we continued setting records with an overall total profit of $9,011 – which was a 15% increase from last year’s record-breaking event. There were some amazing highlights from the evening that truly spoke to the generosity of our community, including a “Cindy’s Cafe” strawberry rhubarb pie being auctioned off FOUR times, and donated back THREE times, to be auctioned off again each time, raising $309 for the Center – Now that’s a good pie! We had fun and as a Community Center we feel blessed beyond measure to be living in this very community! We thank ALL of those who made this event and its success possible.
As we wind down from the excitement from February, we are gearing up for our March for Meals Campaign! This event exists most importantly to bring awareness on the very serious issue of senior hunger. We join Meals on Wheels America in this national campaign and last year it brought us much success in fundraising, grant awards, and awareness and education to our community. We are looking forward to the local support from “celebrity” volunteers, fun events at the Center, and businesses and friends of the Center participating in this great campaign! Please join us in our March!
Thanks and Blessings,
Cecily Rose